President Desk

Annual Report is the synthesis of the work, dedication, motivation, personal commitments of the staff & volunteers of the NHRDO offices. All the programmes at all branches are going smoothly. We have updated office, its management systems, monitoring systems. Read More

Contact us

Address : 17,Bund Garden Road,
Sameer Apartment, Pune 411001
Email : nhrdo.pune@gmail.com
Phone : 020-26054232 / 26054233
nhrdo Mobile : 9822147888

Welcome To Our Website

National Human Resource Development Organization (NHRDO) is a Non-Profit Organization founded with the objective of Youth development, Employment & selfemployment to rural & urban poor Youths. NHRDO is working Main objectives as Rural & Urban Development, Low cost housing to poor & slum area families, Skill training to these families for their economic development. NHRDO Founded on 15th August 2001 & NHRDO is registered under the Mumbai Trust act 1860 and also societies registration Act 1950 on June 2002. Founded by the group of social-minded and qualified professionals with the aims of development, reconstruction, rural & social development.

NHRDO aims to utilize the local available resources for the socio-economic & urban development, Poverty aviation, slum area community development & housing. NHRDO wants to stop the rural youths going towards the cities, searching jobs and vocation and for these all-purpose NHRDO is founded. NHRDO generating employment & self-employment through the self-help groups, Trade Fairs, Exhibitions, Youth Camps, Women Camps, HRD Training Camps, Scholarship schemes and Vocational Trainings, etc.

  • To undertake and conduct urban development, slum area development projects and activities for the community development.
  • To form group of educated unemployed youths, farmers groups, women groups and train them to conduct local level works like surveys, small industry and cottage industry. Also to conduct special surveys for water resource, water yield and water management, survey for family planning and population.
  • To conduct Seminars, Camps, Exhibitions & functional activities for the awareness generation at all fields of social development.
  • To setup a HRD training center to conduct professional training programmes for govt., non-Govt. and co-operative sector manpower.
  • To conduct research work in the field of ground water, water conservation, soil conservation, wasteland & water shade development and agro base rural technologies, rural housing.
  • To form a central marketing organization to market the products manufactured by the youth groups, women groups, and farmer groups.
  • To conduct and execute socio-economical development projects with the help of government or departments or other social organizations.
  • To train people to become agents of change and development in rural areas.
  • To educate and motivate people to use natural resources economically.
  • To start & conduct class one schools & colleges for rural & urban needy children & youths.